Hello there! This post is dedicated specifically for my fellow photographers who are ready for a little camera love and some mind boggling.. and yes maybe sneak in a Chai Latte at the end of it.
I’m planning a Shoot and Walk in Sydney’s CBD in February and would love to see you there! A bunch of us photographers are going to take advantage of the photojournalistic opportunities life has to offer in one of the busiest of streets our country has to offer. Textures, every portion socioeconomic class in one big pool, personalities, faces, cultures and the rest of it! This will probably be epic so come along and SHOOT! 🙂 No models, no subjects, no rules and ..No Limits!
With a diverse range of photographers and different styles already on board, this will be an adventure for us to stretch our minds, capture what is real and just hang out with a bunch of down to earth photographers (and yes add in a little competitive nature). We can FaceBook the shots, laugh about them til the cows come home and you never know, I might sneak in a few behind the scenes shots.
Place: Meet at Central Station in Sydney
Time: 11am
Date: Sunday 13th February 2011
Cost: Zip.. well der it’s a shoot and walk all it will cost is that little train ticket.
Let me know if you’re interested. Wollongong and Sydney photographers will be attending so those of you travelling up from Wollongong with me, we will all meet at a station so we can start our photographic journey even before we get there 🙂 Exact time and which station will be released closer to the date.
And this photo.. well Jonny Dexter took this some time ago.. like my kit lens?! 😐 lol. We use to go out and shoot on location to learn from each other. Times have changed, life is busier and spreading the photography love on an expedition is going to inhabit my life once a month.
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