Baby Jamie – Baby Photography Wollongong

I can’t get enough of Baby Jamie.. this is a pretty big call but find me a baby that’s cuter! Big blue eyes, so alert and ever so attentive. Baby Jamie came over for a visit to Mine and Paul’s house for an our or so. I got so carried away with my camera that towards the end I was saying things like ‘Aw Jamie! You got it! Yep! Yes! Good boy! Ooh you’re fabulous’ ..He’s looking up at me thinking ‘What the *poopy* are you yelling at Lady?’ So I was getting into it. So what. I was so happy to go through Jamie’s proofs afterwards.. I was sighing, squealing and squawking the entire way through LOL. Just a side note, if you haven’t ever been on a shoot with me.. I make this really high pitched squeal when I think I have taken a shot of the day. It’s quite scary, but reassuring, I assure you 🙂

So back to my beautiful nephew Jamie.. I was smiling about this big window we shot below. It was even better than a great big soft box.. no plugs, no cables, no light meters and no replying on silly little batteries.

(Above) “Please Sir, I want some more”

..and he brings out the bottom lip to get what he wants 🙂

..Paul said he gave Jamie the good look gene. I have to agree 😉

See you all at the next post! Happy Monday!


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