Hi all!
Last night we all tuned into watch our Fabulous bride Belynda and her new husband Max Nichols, on the Four Weddings show. It was funny seeing the day from another perspective, having been always behind the camera with my forehead glued to my camera’s LCD screen. Their theme was “Mission Impossible” hehe 😉 well with the chopper being the boys ride to their Panorama House ceremony why wouldn’t it be 🙂
Of course being as awesome as they are, won the luxury holiday and placed first. Insert Smiles.
Max and Bel are expecting a baby now and I adore them both. She looked stunning on camera and from the first time I met them, I knew they were something special. Here’s to their WIN! 🙂 ..Yeowwww! ..and to my 15 second camera on the camera. The back of my head yes, but still on national Tv ok. lol. Just go with it..
A side note..
Fitness icon Jamie Eason released an Orange & Almond Biscotti recipe for eating clean.. after writing out an entire list of ingredients to buy from the supermarket (determined to make a masterpiece of this recipe) I discovered Hazelnut meal was um, non-existent? .. so that ruined my entire plan. And I went home. Biscotti-less.
Happy Wednesday! Ela.x
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