Hey there! It’s been a while since my last blog post and I’m back in the game. Lot’s of changes happening and I’m super excited for mid year.. Watch this space.
So I’ll first start off by saying.. Happy Friday! I know we all think “Thank god it’s Friday” this exact time of the week.. but really.. I love Mondays! It’s the start of a new week.. a chance to make it happen all over again.. to make it count.. and an opportunity to drive yourself to smash your To-Do list in utmost productivity.. plus 9:30am Zumba classes are on Mondays hehe.
Today’s topic.. Being camera shy..
Let me introduce you to Myself.. Hi I’m Pamela and I hate dislike my photo being taken..
Strange huh? Isn’t that ironic. A photographer. Doesn’t like to be on the other side of the camera at all? It’s a fear I have had for the last 8 years. So my past clients.. future brides.. and friends who are complete photo junkies, I commend all of you for being able to.. Stare right into the lens, clench those fists, grit your teeth, smile with you eyes and be able to say cheese all in the same 1.2 second maneuver.. maybe add a little shoulder shrug in there, like you’re on a Mary Kay beauty head shot spread, and you’re on top of the world!
I never realised how bad my fear of being photographed was until yesterday.. Thursday morning. The morning of BNI where I get to spend 2 hours with a terrific bunch of business minded comedians, not business people.. comedians with a business sense hehe (you’ll know what I mean if you came along to a formal [fun] meeting). After our weekly motor referral generation, the clock hit 8:31 and we had breakfast at the Ibis Hotel in Wollongong.
Ok, picture the “Psycho” movie soundtrack.. the suspenseful instrumental that still to this day sets of an automated “is there someone behind me” boxing hook move thing.. this defence maneuver kind of looks really gimpy so lucky I work from home. LOL. So now we’ve got the right music in the back ground to set the mood.. Now add a guy, reaching into my camera bag.. for my $5500 piece of camera equipment.. At this stage my mouth is open with shock and my pre-motherly instincts tells me to jump over the breakfast table and catch it from falling out of his hands (even though there was no falling here?). But I did consider the more civil approach as to Smile and ask nicely for him to.. “put.. the camera.. down.. slow-ly”…. lol hey!.. every one has their pride and joy they’re protective over. Men = Cars, Me = Camera. Sweet. Now we understand each other hehe.
He turns on the ON dial and to my surprise figures out how to adjust some manual settings to get the right manual exposure (dammit plan B down the drain).. then off he goes.. click.. click.. click! GAHHHH.. what was I to do?
So the story ends with Leanne Smith pinning down my hands on the breakfast table, 122 decibels of Ela Squeal & Screech, Dave’s 30 takes on mostly motion blur from my head spasming AWAY from the camera like it possesses stone sculpting, Medusa powers.. meanwhile Greg Spain (the Male Chef) is apparently finding my state of agony of great amusement.. and two nearby female diners staring me up and down in disgust from the public disturbance (if you’re ready this .. Sowwy! hehe).
The verdict: I have a Fear to tackle.. aaaaand the Ibis pikelets are like sunshine on a Sunday morning!
See you at the next post! Ela.x
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