Jesse & Jamie – Family Photography – Shell Cove – Portraits

These two are just the biggest rascalls in the world! Yes they are my cousins, poor me! ..Ok you’re thinking ‘wow that’s not a very humble thing to say’ ..Well clearly you arent related to them!! LOL 🙂

As lovely as these two are let me tell you an anectodes:
-One Tuesday afternoon in 2006, our family was chillaxin’ (like normal families do right?) to find the phone ring. I answered it to find it was a prank call. I hate prank calls. Fullstop. So straight away I though ‘Idiot!’ then went back to my room LOL.
The phone rang again 1 minute later, this time my mum answered it. Another prank call! This happened 10 times, and at this stage you could imagine my step dad fuming as we were all getting annoyed, questioning who this could be.

Little did we know, Jessica and Jamie were waiting at the airport while their parents were at the counter taking care of something. So there’e the first mistake, leaving them both unsupervised! Mind you they were 13 and 15 at the time (supposed to be a mature age).
So you see having no money and knowing only a handful of family phone numbers they decided to target our household!
Good old airport phones that cut out once they’re answered if you don’t put funds in it.

We come to find them calling us again one last time off their parent’s mobile giggling like two little monkeys who had just stolen a bunch of bananas! .. HILARIOUS! MUHAHAH HAHA GOT YOU! HAHA they shouted!

Now if you have met my step-dad Tony, you would know he’s respectful but very old school strict. We’re talking, no make-up, no answer back otherwise a week’s grounding and no boyfriends until we were 30! So you could imagine a threat with a smack on the bottom was going to be in the cards for these two the next family function we had!

ahahaha ..gotta love em! So this thumb war was very appropriate for the shot. Something funny, cheeky and so them!

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