Fashion Shoot – Lighting test

Now where have you seen this girl before?? Well Kimmicks is an awesome friend of mine I found on a model/tog networking site and have been great friends ever since we shot for the first time a year ago! So yes you have seen her in my fashion album many times before, but let’s face it she rocks my sock! 🙂 hehe

Was testing some off camera flash and I thought it would be of great use to me to order some speedlight stands to hold my flashes while I shoot. But yes you could imagine my stands didn’t arrive on time and I was left on site looking like I was doing the YMCA holding both my camera and flash at the same time LOL! so stretching out my left arm aiming at about 50 degrees down on Kimmy’s face with my speedlight and my camera in the other hand.. CLICK! my fave shot of the day 🙂

It was quite interesting because about 5 minutes later a little horse came out of nowhere and clip clopped right up to the fence and looked at us.. Now I don’t know anything about horses and Kim owns one. She said to me aww he’s playing! .. It was the cutest thing you would have ever seen! The mother horse (yes there’s a technical name for a mother horse but then again this is why I’m a photographer not a horse tamer-person-thingy ..well you know what I mean! theres a name for that too LOL)

I had a blast, but I was burning from the 11:15 sun rays :s ..We only got a handful of shots as we were testing different light shaping tools and flash diffusers but I think quality in this case was better than quantity. Whoop whoop!

Your fashion photographer.. Pamela!!

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